Everyone Starts Here.
Your Tandem Skydive
Tandem means you are attached to an instructor from when you leave the aircraft until you land, and requires the least amount of training to get in the air. The instructor wears the dual parachute system, and you wear a harness which attaches to the parachute system via four attachment points. Skydive South Boston specializes in tandem skydiving, and we are excited to share this amazing experience with you! If you’re ready to go skydiving in MA, our team is ready take you!
What to Bring & Wear
Government issued ID for every person jumping, this can be a drivers license, passport, or ID card, it must have the person’s picture and date of birth.
Comfortable clothing appropriate for the weather, keeping in mind it is about 15 degrees cooler at jump altitude.
Tennis shoes, no sandals or boots with hooks.
We do not recommend short shorts, or anything you cannot get a little dirty.
Cash or credit card, please note there is not an ATM on the airport.
We send an email the night prior to your skydive which will have info about any changes in arrival times, but usually we ask you to arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time slot. This will allow you to check-in, pay any balance due and finalize the waiver.
The time slot you book is not your actual jump time, it is the latest time you can arrive without incurring a late fee.
Please plan to spend up to 4 hours with us, while most complete the experience in shorter time, 4 hours gives a cushion for weather or airport delays.
The night prior to your skydive, we will send our an email with weather updates and what that means for your skydive appointment.
Skydiving is a weather dependent sport. The two main factors we must contend with are cloud ceiling and wind, but other factors such as rain and temperature must be accounted for as well.
FAA Requires we maintain a distance of 500 feet below the clouds, and 2000 feet horizontally.
We do not operate in winds above 25mph, or wind gusts with a 10mph differential.
Additional Questions
Please see our FAQ page, or connect with us at jump@bostonskydive.com